viernes, 29 de junio de 2007

Not more

Do I feel to moments that this not na for more Better everything leaves hitherto
All that is interested in continuing living, if those who you believed that they loved you give you the back?Today I feel it, Feel that they put in my against and through the fault of insensitive and false people.Probably estan managing to separate of the persons whom I love and it makes me sad, because they are they that desconfian of my.I feel that I die to instants and the mistake of company and of comprehension they do that it does not want anything any more.Often I wonder if it is good to continue living, in order that air spends mas if nobody realizes that you use.If the persons that mas love do not give signs of help!

1 comentario:

Kathy_Cubi dijo...

Oye, tu, ya te lo dije, sigue adelante junto a la gente que de verdad está a tu lado y te apoya.

A propósito de eso, agradezco que me veas como parte de tu "nueva vida"